ADHD is diagnosed in three types… Inattentive Type, Hyperactive / Impulsive Type or Combined Type

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common mental disorders affecting children. ADHD also affects many adults. Symptoms of ADHD include inattention (not being able to keep focus), hyperactivity (excess movement that is not fitting to the setting), and impulsivity (hasty acts that occur at the moment without thought).

adhd treatment washington dc

Who is the right candidate for ADHD Assessment

    back in time

    You think that you’re often disorganized, distractible or impulsive, but never had ADHD testing?


      Struggling with meeting deadlines, time management and procrastination at work and need accommodation

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        Not achieving your full potential and think a diagnosis of adhd may help you succeed in life

        At Access Health services, our experts provide a comprehensive ADHD evaluation that includes thorough history, multiple screening tools use, talking to other family members or friends with your permission and a computerize test that aids in diagnosing an individual with ADHD

        ADHD Assessment Information

        What you can expect with ADHD consultation and Assessment?

        During the initial assessment, you meet with the provider to discussed the symptoms and impact your symptoms affects you. This consultations helps determine if you likely have ADHD, other diagnosis and if you require more in-depth testing to clarify your diagnosis.

        If You Are a Candidate…

        One or two more sessions will be required with our providers which will includes a thorough clinical interview, where you will be ask about

        • Family & Relationships
        • Symptoms & Concerns
        • Employment & Education History
        • Improved Sex Drive
        • Hair Restoration

        You will fill out multiple questionnaires and provide academic records and employment evaluations to aid with your diagnosis. At Access Health services our, experts work collaboratively to make sure you have a proper diagnosis and treatment.


        Contact us today to get a treatment plan tailored to your needs with one of our providers.


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